Halloween Coming Soon Meme
Halloween Lifestyle, Lifestyle

Halloween is Always Coming and I Made a Meme

The heat and humidity are kicking into high gear here in sunny Florida. While it’s true that summer is not my favorite season, I don’t completely hate it. After all, I’m a fan of all seasons. I love seeing the changes from one season to the next, the temperatures rising and falling, rain (and snow) coming and going.

So though I am the Queen of Halloween, I do still enjoy a little bit of summer. I like just enough the of the hot season to maybe get out to the beach a few times, hit the pool with friends or even go kayaking in a beautiful river like I did recently.

The problem that I have always had with summer is that it’s WAY too long. I’ve only resided in two states my whole life – Florida and California. Born in Miami, moved to LA and now in the Tampa Bay Area of Florida. What does that mean? That all my summers have more than overstayed their welcome.

Let’s take my current city. We’ve had temps high enough to use our air conditioners for well over a month. Honestly there’s almost no month out of the year where we don’t use our AC’s at least once or twice – even in January and February. But once we get to around April, it’s on pretty much 24/7. And now the temps are just rising higher and higher until going outside for any length of time is torture.

Summer and I are still in our honeymoon phase this year. I’m looking forward to doing some swimming and other water activities. But in about another 6 weeks I will be ready to send summer packing. The only trouble is that 6 weeks from now is when it will be getting REALLY hot. Sigh.

With all of these thoughts about summer, my love of Halloween is never far behind. As soon as I’m sick and tired of summer, which won’t be long now, I’ll be constantly reminding myself that fall isn’t far away. Because the best thing about summer is that Halloween is next.

And so I made a meme about it….

Love Summer Because Halloween is Coming meme

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