Halloween Activities, Halloween Ideas

Halloween in the summer? Yes! Time for the Great Horror Campout

Can’t get enough of Halloween? Looking for a way to celebrate your favorite holiday even in the middle of summer? Then the Great Horror Campout is for you.


Photo credit: A. Sweeting

As I said in my About Page, one of my favorite things to do for Halloween is visit scare parks. When I heard about the Great Horror Campout, I got really excited because a part of me has always wanted to visit horror amusement parks more often than just in late September and early October. Of course the other part of me wonders if I would get bored of them if they were available year-round, but I digress.

The Great Horror Campout sounded like a fun way to spend a warm summer weekend, so I checked out the website. It all sounded like fun until I got to their Safety, Terms and Conditions page.

Here’s what it says:

Please read the following terms and conditions before your ticket purchase:

Great Horror Campout is frightening and may include total darkness, water spray and splash, uneven surfaces, steps up and down, strobe lighting, latex, narrow tunnels, crouch spaces which require you to bend down while walking, sudden loud noises, live scareactors, fog and scent effects which are all intended to startle and frighten you.

Great Horror Campout is not recommended for people with heart or back problems, pregnant women, people prone to seizures or anyone who has an affliction that is made worse by fear, anxiety or flashing lights. Also, this event is not recommended for anyone with health issues that can be made worse or aggravated by any other form of participation. PARTICIPATE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

During Great Horror Campout you may be forcibly handled, moved, bound, hooded, chained and subjected to simulated torture by our actors. You may witness strong verbal content, which may be considered offensive in nature. This content is part of the experience and is presented for entertainment purposes only.

I was good up until I got to the last paragraph. Now I love a good scare and nothing makes me happier than to come home from a place like Unversal’s Halloween Horror Nights with no voice. Getting scared is an adrenaline rush for me, but underneath it all I am always certain of my safety. As soon as I found out the actors could touch you and subject you to “simulated torture” I was out.

So why am I writing about this event on my site? First of all, just because I may not be into it, doesn’t mean that other Halloween and horror fans might not love it. Secondly, I just discovered that they’ve updated the attraction to include “Chicken Zones” that are a bit milder than the more horror-ific ones. They’ve also implemented a safe phrase, “I WANT MY MOMMY!” for those who wander into the wrong area or just find the action to be a bit too much.

The Great HorrorĀ Campout happens across multiple cities on multiple dates throughout the summer. Be sure to check out theirĀ website for more info.

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